Spank SP-105 (1994), CD-mp3, [Gmb# 350] [Bobboots# t21]

Studio Outtakes 1965 / 1966


1If You Gotta Go, Go Now 15 Jan 1965 = THE LONESOME SPARROW SINGS
2She Belongs To Me 13 Jan 1965 = NO DIRECTION HOME The Soundtrack: TBS Vol. 7
3Visions Of Johanna 30 Nov 1965 = THE CUTTING EDGE: TBS Vol. 12 / 1965-1966
4From A Buick 6 30 July 1965 = THE CUTTING EDGE: TBS Vol. 12 / 1965-1966
5It's All Over Now, Baby Blue 13 Jan 1965 = NO DIRECTION HOME The Soundtrack: TBS Vol. 7
6Medicine Sunday 5 Oct 1965 = THE LONESOME SPARROW SINGS
7I Wanna Be Your Lover 5 Oct 1965 = BIOGRAPH
8I'll Keep It With Mine 15 Feb 1966instrumental
9Love Minus Zero / No Limit 13 Jan 1965 = THE CUTTING EDGE: TBS Vol. 12 / 1965-1966 #3 (take 3 remake)
10Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? 30 July 1965 = THE CUTTING EDGE: TBS Vol. 12 / 1965-1966
11Number One 5 Oct 1965 = THE CUTTING EDGE: TBS Vol. 12 / 1965-1966
12She's Your Lover Now 21 Jan 1966 = the bootleg series volumes 13 [rare and unreleased] 1961-1991
13Jet Pilot 5 Oct 1965 = BIOGRAPH
14Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? 5 Oct 1965 = THE LONESOME SPARROW SINGS
15Visions Of Johanna 30 Nov 1965 = THE CUTTING EDGE: TBS Vol. 12 / 1965-1966
16She's Your Lover Now 21 Jan 1966 = THE CUTTING EDGE: TBS Vol. 12 / 1965-1966
17Miami sales convention message 12 May 1965 = THE LONESOME SPARROW SINGS
18If You Gotta Go, Go Now 12 May 1965 = THE LONESOME SPARROW SINGS

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