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Billy 1 (Peco's Blues, track 2)

Bob Dylan

(alternate takes from PECO'S BLUES bootleg cd)

20 Jan 1973
PECO'S BLUES (T-391) #1

Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid session 1, CBS Discos studios, Mexico City - 20.jan.1973

There's guns across the river aimin' at you
Lawman on your trail, he'd like to catch you
Bounty hunters too, they'd like to get you 
Billy they don't like you to be free.

Campin' out all night on the veranda
Dealin' cards till dawn in the hacienda
Up to Boot Hill they'd like to send you
Billy don't you turn your back on me.

There's mirrors inside the minds of crazy faces
Bullet holes an' rifles inside their cases
There's always one more notch an' four more aces
Billy an' you're playin' all alone.

Playin' around with some sweet se–orita
Into her dark hallway she will lead you
In the shadows of the mesa she will greet you
Billy you been runnin' for so long.

They say that Pat Garrett's got your number
So sleep with one eye open when you wander
If every little sound just might be thunder
Thunder from the barrel of his gun.

Gypsy queens will play your grand finale
Way down in some Tularosa alley
Maybe in the Rio Pecos valley
In the days when you were better known.

The businessmen from Taos want you to go down
So they've hired Mr Garrett, he'll force you to slow down
Billy don't it make you feel so low down
To be hunted by the man who was your friend.

So hang on to your woman if you got one
Remember in El Paso once you shot one
..Up in Santa Fe she was a hot one
Billy you been runnin' for so long.

Gypsy queens will play your grand finale
Billy you been so far from home
Billy you're so far away from home. 

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Billy 2 (Peco's Blues, track 10)

Feb 1973
PECO'S BLUES (T-391) #2

Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid session 2, Burbank CA - February 1973 

There's guns across the river 'bout to pound you
Lawman on your trail, like to surround you
Bounty hunters dancin' all around you 
Billy they don't like you to be free.

Campin' out all night on the veranda
Walkin' in the streets till dawn by the hacienda
Up to Boot Hill they'd like to send you
Billy don't you turn your back on me.

There's mirrors inside the eyes of crazy faces
Bullet holes an' rifles between the spaces
There's always one more notch an' four more aces
Billy an' you're playin' all alone.

Playin' around with some sweet se–orita
Into her dark chamber she will greet you
In the shadows of the mesa she will lead you
Billy and you're walkin' all alone.

They say that Pat Garrett's got your number
So sleep with one eye open when you wander
If every little sound just might be thunder
Thunder from the barrel of his gun.

The businessmen from Taos want you to go down
So they've hired Mr Garrett, he'll force you to slow down
Billy don't it make you feel so low down
To be hunted by the man who was your friend.

So hang on to your woman if you got one
Remember in El Paso once you shot one
Up in Santa Fe you bought one
In the days when you were better known.

Gypsy queens will play your grand finale
Way down in some Tularosa alley
Maybe in the Rio Pecos valley
Billy you're so far away from home
Billy you're so far away from home
Billy you're so far away from home. 

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Billy 3 (Peco's Blues, track 19)

Feb 1973
PECO'S BLUES (T-391) #3

Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid sessions 2, Burbank CA - February 1973
(Peco's Blues, track 19)
They say that Pat Garrett's got your number So sleep with one eye open when you slumber Every little sound just might be thunder Thunder from the barrel of his gun. Maybe you will find youself tomorrow Drinkin' in some bar to hide your sorrow Spendin' the time that you borrow Figuring a way to get back home.

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Billy 4 (Peco's Blues, track 20)

Feb 1973
PECO'S BLUES (T-391) #4

Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid sessions 2, Burbank CA - February 1973
(Peco's Blues, track 20)
Playin' around with some sweet se–orita In her dark hallway she will lead you In some lonesome shadow she will greet you Billy you're so far ... away Billy you're so doggone far away from home.

Recording dates & record list

20 Jan 1973 (1) PECO'S BLUES (cd bootleg), track 2
Feb 1973 (2) PECO'S BLUES (cd bootleg), track 10
Feb 1973 (3) PECO'S BLUES (cd bootleg), track 19
Feb 1973 (4) PECO'S BLUES (cd bootleg), track 20