The Minnesota Hotel Tape: Home of Bonnie Beecher, Minneapolis MN - 22.dec.1961
Candy man, salty dog
Candy man, salty dog
Candy man, salty dog
You may be my candy man
I'll be your salty dog.
Little red light, little green light
Little red light, little green light
Little red light, little green light
Stop on the red don't you go in the green
Gonna caught by Mr. Inbetween
Run an' get the bucket, get the baby some beer
Run an' get the bucket, get the baby some beer
Run an' get the bucket, get the baby some beer
Run an' get the bucket, get the baby some beer
Run an' get the bucket, get the baby some beer
Run an' get the bucket, get the baby some beer
'd do anythin' in this godalmighty world
To have my candy man home.
Gingerbread man, Santa Claus
Gingerbread man, Santa Claus
Gingerbread man, Santa Claus
'd do anythin' in this godalmighty world
To get my candy man home.
Candy man, salty dog
Candy man, salty dog
Candy man, salty dog
'd do anythin' in this godalmighty world
If you be my salty dog.