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George Jackson 1

Bob Dylan © 1971 Ram's Horn Music

(Official lyrics @ www.bobdylan.com)

4 Nov 1971
GEORGE JACKSON (vinyl single)
70 DOLLAR ROBBERY (vinyl bootleg)

George Jackson recording session, Columbia Recording Studio B, NYC - 4.nov.1971, acoustic version  

I woke up this morning there were tears in my bed
They killed a man i really loved, they shot him thru the head.
Lord, lord they cut George Jackson down
Lord, lord they laid him in the ground.

They sent him off to prison for a seventy dollar robbery
They closed the door behind him an' they threw away the key.
Lord, lord they cut George Jackson down
Lord, lord they laid him in the ground. 

He wouldn't take shit from no one, he wouldn't bow down or kneel
Authorities they hated him because he was just too real.
Lord, lord they cut George Jackson down
Lord, lord they laid him in the ground.

The prison guards they cursed him as they watched him from above 
But they were frightened of his power, they were scared of his love.
Lord, lord they cut George Jackson down
Lord, lord they laid him in the ground.

Sometimes i think this whole world is one big prison yard
Some of us are prisoners, the rest of us are guards.

Lord, lord they cut George Jackson down
Lord, lord they laid him in the ground. 

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George Jackson 2

4 Nov 1971
GEORGE JACKSON #2 (Vinyl single)
HARD TO FIND Vol. 3 (Even Harder To Find) (T-503)

George Jackson recording session, Columbia Recording Studio B, NYC - 4.nov.1971, big band version  

I woke up this morning there were tears in my bed
They killed a man i really loved, they shot him thru the head.
Lord, lord, they cut George Jackson down
Lord, lord, they laid him in the ground.

They sent him off to prison for a seventy dollar robbery
They closed the door behind him an' they threw away the key.
Lord, lord, they cut George Jackson down
Lord, lord, they laid him in the ground.

He wouldn't take shit from no one, he wouldn't bow down or kneel
Authorities they hated him because he was just too real.
Lord, lord, they cut George Jackson down
Lord, lord, they laid him in the ground.

The prison guards they watched him as they cursed him from above.
But they were frightened of his power, they were scared of his love.
Lord, lord, so they cut George Jackson down
Lord, lord, they laid him in the ground.

Sometimes i think this whole world is one big prison yard
Some of us are prisoners, some of us are guards.

Lord, lord, they cut George Jackson down
Lord, lord, they laid him in the ground.

Lord, lord, they cut George Jackson down
Lord, lord, they laid him in the ground... 

Recording dates & record list

4 Nov 1971 1GEORGE JACKSON (single)
70 DOLLAR ROBBERY (vinyl bootleg)
4 Nov 1971 2GEORGE JACKSON (single) #2
HARD TO FIND Vol. 3 (Even Harder To Find) (bootleg)