updated 28 aug 2023
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Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking 1

Bob Dylan © 1979 Special Rider Music

(Official lyrics @ www.bobdylan.com)

2 May 1979

  Slow Train Coming session 3, Muscle Shoals Studio, Sheffield AL - 2.may.1979  

Gonna change my way of thinkin'
Make myself a different set of rules
Gonna change my way of thinkin'
Make myself a different set of rules
Gonna put my good foot forward
Stop bein' influenced by fools.

So much oppression
Can't keep track of it no more
There's so much oppression
Can't keep track of it no more
Sons becomin' husbands to their mothers
Old men turnin' young daughters into whores.

Stripes on your shoulders
Stripes on your back an' on your hands
Stripes on your shoulders
Stripes on your back an' on your hands
Swords piercin' your side
Blood an' water flowin' thru the land.

Well don't know which one is worse
Doin' your own thing or just bein' cool
Don't know which one is worse
Doin' your own thing or just bein' cool
You remember only about the brass ring
You forget all about the golden rule.

You can mislead a man
You can take a-hold of his heart with your eyes
You can mislead a man
Take a-hold of his heart with your eyes 
But there's only one authority
That's the authority on high.

I got a god fearin' woman
One i can easily afford
I got a god fearin' woman
One i can easily afford
She can do the Georgia crawl
She can walk in the spirit of the law.

Jesus said, "Be ready
For you know not the hour which i come"
Jesus said, "Be ready
For you know not the hour which i come"
He said, "He who is not for me is against me."
Just so you know where he's comin' from.

There's a kingdom called heaven
A place where there is no pain of birth
There's a place they called heaven
A place where there is no pain of birth
Well, the lord created it, mister
About the same time that he made the earth.  

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Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking 2

4 Mar 2002

  Los Angeles CA - 4.mar.2002 , w/ Mavis Staples  
From The Dylan Pool msgs, with thanks 

Change my way of thinking
Make myself a different set of rules
I'm gonna change my way of thinking
Make myself a different set of rules
Gonna put my best foot forward
Stop bein' influenced by fools.

[BOB: Why look, someone's coming up the road, boys
(Knock knock knock)
MAVIS: Hey, hey! Hey there, Bobby!
BOB: Hey, it's Mavis Staples!
MAVIS; Hey fellows! What's Up? Aw, it's good to see all of you.
My goodness, Bobby you got a nice place here!
BOB: Well, welcome to Califormia, Mavis!
MAVIS: Thank ya much! Whoa, you got a nice view!
BOB: Yeah, it is. You can sit on this porch,
and look right straight into Hawaii. 
MAVIS: Yeah, I was over in them foothills. 
BOB: (perplexed) Why? 
MAVIS: I was looking for me some fuel. I'm kind of hungry now. 
Don't you got anything to eat? 
BOB: Well I'm sure we do. (Calls out) Momma, we have anything to eat? 
WOMAN: Sure, we got plenty of chicken out there in the yard. 
BOB: Well we're gonna go knock a few of em off and fry em up.
BOB: Well, Mavis, I've had the blues.
MAVIS: Aw Bobby, don't tell me you got them blues!
BOB: Uh hum I've been up all night laying in bed, had insomnia,
reading Snoozeweek.
MAVIS: Oh, Snoozeweek! That ain't gonna get rid of no blues.
BOB: Umh umh
MAVIS: We gotta do some singing, let's do some singing
BOB: Aw really
MAVIS: Sing about it, you know.]

Gonna sit at the welcome table
I'm as hungry as a horse
Sittin' at the welcome table
I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse
I'm gonna revitalize my thinkin'
I'm gonna let the law take its course.

Jesus is calling
He's comin' back to gather his jewels
Jesus is comin'
He's comin' back to gather his jewels
Well, we live by the Golden Rule
Whoever got the gold, rules.

The sun is shinin'
Ain't but one train on this track
The sun is shinin'
Ain't but one train on this track
I'm starin' out of the dark woods
Tryin' to jump on a monkey's back.

Yes, I'm all dressed up
Goin' to the country dance
I said I'm all dressed up
Goin' to the country dance
Every day you got to pray for guidance
Every day you got to give yourself a chance.
There are storms on the ocean
Storms out on the mountain too
Storms on the ocean
Storms out on the mountain too
Oh Lord
You know I have no friend without you.

I'll tell you somethin'
Things you never had you'll never miss
I'll tell you somethin'
Things you never had you'll never miss
Tell you something else
A great man will kill you with a sword
A coward with a kiss.  

Recording dates & record list

2 Oct 1979TROUBLE NO MORE: THE BOOTLEG SERIES Vol. 13 / 1979-1981 (DeLuxe Edition) #2
1 Nov 1979 NEW FOUND FAITH (bootleg)
16 Nov 1979 CONTRACT WITH THE LORD PART 1 (bootleg)
31 Jan 1980TROUBLE NO MORE: THE BOOTLEG SERIES Vol. 13 / 1979-1981 (DeLuxe Edition) #1