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I Ain't Got No Home In This World Anymore 1

Woody Guthrie

22 Dec 1961
GREAT WHITE WONDER (vinyl bootleg)

The Minnesota Hotel Tape: Home of Bonnie Beecher, Minneapolis MN - 22.dec.1961  

Well i ain't got no home, i'm just ramblin' round
Just a ramblin' worker, go from town to town
Police make it hard wherever i may go
I ain't got no home in this world anymore.

All my brothers an' my sisters have stranded on this road
That's a hard ol' dusty road that a million feet have trod
Rich men took our home an' they drove us from our door
Man can't feel at home in this world anymore.

Well as i look around me it's funny an' plain to see
This wicked cruel world is a funny ol' place to be
The gamblin' man is rich lord, the workin' man is poor
Can't fit his home in this world anymore.  

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I Ain't Got No Home In This World Anymore 2

20 Jan 1968
HARD TO FIND Vol. 3 (Even Harder To Find) (T-503)

Woody Guthrie Memorial Concert w/The Band, Carnegie Hall NYC - 20.jan.1968  

I ain't got no home, i'm just ramblin' round
A hard workin' ramblin' man, an' i go from town to town
Police make it hard wherever i may go
An' i ain't got no home in this world anymore
I ain't got no home in this world anymore.

I was farmin' on the shares, always I was poor
My crops i lay away into the banker's store
My wife took down and died upon the cabin floor
An' i ain't got no home in this world anymore
I ain't got no home in this world anymore.

I ain't got no home, i'm just ramblin' round
A hard workin' ramblin' man, an' i go from town to town
Police make it hard wherever i may go
An' i ain't got no home in this world anymore
I ain't got no home in this world anymore.

Well as i look around, it's very plain to see
This wild old cruel world is a funny ol' place to be
The gamblin' man is rich, the workin' man is poor
An' i ain't got no home in this world anymore
I ain't got no home in this world anymore.  

Recording dates & record list

22 Dec 1961 1THE MINNESOTA TAPES (bootleg)
GREAT WHITE WONDER (vinyl bootleg)
HARD TO FIND Vol. 3 (Even Harder To Find) (bootleg)