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Money Blues

Words by Bob Dylan, Jacques Levy, music by Bob Dylan

Desire sessions 2/3, Columbia Studio E, NYC - 28/29.jul.1978  

Sittin' here thinkin'
Where does the money go
Sittin' here thinkin'
Where does the money go
Well, i give it to my woman
She ain't got it no more.

Went out last night
Bought two eggs an' a slice of ham
Went out last night
Bought two eggs an' a slice of ham
Bill came to three dollars an' ten cents
An' i didn't even get no jam.

Man came around
Askin' for the rent
Man came around
Askin' for the rent
Well, i looked into the drawer
But the money's all been spent.

Well, well
Ain't no bank account
Well, well
Ain't no bank account
Went down to start one
But i didn't have the right amount.

Everything's inflated
Like a tire on a car
Everything's inflated
Like a tire on a car
Well, the man came an' took my Chevy back
I'm glad i hid my old guitar.

Come to me, mama
Ease my money crisis now
Come to me, mama
Ease my money crisis now
I need something to support me
And only you know how.