From "Words Fill My Head" pages of Olof Bjorner.
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Talkin' Folklore Center

Bob Dylan © 1962


I came down to New York town
Got out and started walking around
I's up around 62nd Street
All of a sudden comes a cop on his beat
Said my hair was too long
Said my boots were too dirty
Said my hat was un-American
Said he'd throw me in jail.

So I got on a subway and took a seat
Got out on 42nd Street
I met this fellow named Delores there
He started rubbin' his hands through my hair
I figured somethin' was wrong
So I ran through ten hot-dog stands, four movie houses
And a couple a dancing studios
To get back on the subway train. 

The wind it blew me north and south
It blew me in a coffee house
I met this fellow with sun glasses on
He told me he sung folksongs
I believed him 'cause he was wearing sun glasses. 

He sung "Scarlet Ribbons" 'bout ten times or more
He sung "Michael Row the Boat Ashore"
He sung "Where Do All the Flowers Go?"
There was no folksong he didn't know
The ones he didn't know he didn't like anyway. 

On MacDougal Street I saw a cubby hole
I went in to get out of the cold
Found out after I'd entered
The place was called the Folklore Center
Owned by Izzy Young
He's always in the back of the center.

They got real records and real books
Anybody can walk in and look
You don't have to own a Cadillac car
Or a nine hundred and fifty-two dollar guitar
Do like most people do
Walk in, walk around, walk out.

But that's not the way you see
That ain't the way it oughta be
There's just one way a lookin' at it
You shouldn't take this place for granted
That'll always be here.

So go down and buy a record or book
Don't just walk around and look
You can do that when you go uptown 
When you come down here you're on common ground
Common people ground
Common guitar people ground
We need every inch of it.