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Wagoner's Lad


14 Oct 1988

Tower Theater, Upper Darby, PA - 14.oct.1988  
Radio City Music Hall, New York City, NY - 19.oct.1988  

Hard is the fortune of all womankind
It's always controlled, it's always confined
Controlled by her parents until she's a wife
Then slave to her husband for the rest of her life.

She is a poor girl, her fortune is sad
Always been courted by the waggoner's lad
He courted her truly, both night and by day
But now he is a-loaded and goin' away.

Your parents don't like me, they say I'm too poor
The say I'm not worthy to enter your door
But I work for a living, my money's my own
And them that don't like it, can leave me alone.

My horses ain't hungry, and they don't need your hay
Come and sit down beside me, love, for as long as you'll stay
I'd go to Montana if the moon showed any light
But my pony can't travel this dark road tonight.

I once loved a girl, her age was sixteen
She was the flower of Belton and the rose of Seline
But her parents was against me, now she is the same
If I'd writ' on your book, love, you'd just blot out my name

Hard is the fortune of all womankind
It's always controlled, it's always confined
Controlled by her parents until she's a wife
Then slave to her husband for the rest of her life.

 Recording dates & record list

14 Oct 1988 1 GOLDEN VANITY (bootleg)
19 Oct 1988 STUCK INSIDE OF NEW YORK (bootleg)