Town Hall, NYC - 12.apr.1963, CO 85280
Come you phoney super patriotic people that say
That hatin' and fearing is my only way
That this here country has got to be
You're thinkin' of yourselves, you ain't thinkin' of me.
You're not thinkin' of any George Washington
You're not thinkin' of any Thomas Jefferson
But you say that you are and you lie and mislead
You use their names for aims, for your selfish greed.
Don't speak to me of your patriotism
When you throw the Southern black boy in prison
An' you say that the only good niggers are the ones that have died
Don't think I'll ever stand on your side.
Though you make it so hard for me to love
My face will never feel the slap of your glove
[My cards will never buy ...]
My hands will never buy the cards that you play
My feet will never walk down the road that you lay.
Get out in the open, stop standin' afar
Let the whole world see what a hypocrit you are
I ain't jokin' and it ain't no gag
You been hidin' too long behind the American flag.